Seed Primers
Primer Zn/Mn/Cu
Seed dressing for application onto cereal seed prior to seeding. Unique formulation with high concentrations of phosphorus, potassium, zinc in all three primers, then copper in Primer Cu and then manganese in Primer Mn.
Primer Zn should be used when seeding in cold and wet conditions, when seeding into dry soils, seeding into high pH soils, heavily manured lands, soils with high organic matter, sandy and light textured soils, Zn deficient soils, or used in pretty much any Western Canadian soil.
$32.25/L ($0.044/lb or $2.63/bu of wheat)
$32.25/L ($0.044/lb or $2.63/bu of wheat)
$32.25/L ($0.044/lb or $2.63/bu of wheat)
Primer Canola
- Improves early-season establishment of canola in cold and wet soil conditions. It provides readily available phosphorus, potassium, zinc and other micronutrients that are limited by the cold and wet conditions, and the earlier emergence allows canola seedlings to outcompete weeds.
- Primer Canola reduces the risk of a poor stand and the need to re-seed. Canola treated with Primer Canola cabbages out and bolts quicker, resulting in an earlier flowering to beat the summer heat. Primer Canola also contributes to advanced maturity, earlier dry down and better management of the harvest operation.
$41.60/L ($0.113/lb or $5.66 per 50 lb bag of seed)
Pulse Primer
- A seed dressing for application onto pulse seed (peas, lentils, chickpeas, fababeans, etc.). Primer Pulse is a calcium-based seed dressing with a rhizobia-friendly formulation.
- Suggested use when seeding into cold and wet conditions, when the top soil is dry, in low pH soils, heavily manured lands, soils with high nitrogen levels, sandy and light-textured soils, or in heavy-textured soil with a high Mg content.
- Primer Pulse will improve early emergence and a better stand, improve and extend root growth, improve nodulation, and lead to better nitrogen use efficiency and preservation of yield.
$32.25/L ($0.044/lb or $2.63/bu of peas)
Pulse Pak
- Seed dressing for application onto pulse seed (peas, lentils, chickpeas, fababeans, etc.). Unique formulation with high concentrations of phosphorus, potassium, zinc and manganese that contains calcium for root structure and nodulation, in a rhizobia-friendly formulation.
- Suggested use when seeding into cold/wet or dry soils, high and low pH soils, heavily manured lands, soils with low organic matter, sandy and light textured soils with a high Mg content, or when farming land with challenging soil-borne/seed-borne diseases thriving under wet conditions.
- Pulse Pak enhances secondary root development which maximizes the uptake of all nutrients. Pulse Pak triggers the crop’s natural defenses (i.e. Phytoalexins), which in conjunction with the fungicide seed treatment: improves the control of soil-borne and seed-borne diseases; prevents root rots and damping-off; improves crop emergence and establishment; and helps preserve yield.
$32.25/L ($0.044/lb or $2.63/bu of peas)
- TnT Starter liquid is designed to deliver faster, stronger and more even germination for your crops, without spending your valuable time in the spring mixing products together. What’s your time in the spring worth? TnT Starter is an all-in-one blend of Starter P (9-32-2) which has a combination of Poly/Ortho Phos, TPA and Carboxylate, OrganoHume (12% humic acid), Sunalta Boron (10% B), along with a micro-package that includes Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe.
- Did you know, that approximately 45 days after you apply phosphorus to the soil, regardless if its dry, liquid, poly/ortho phosphate, that 100% of it is tied-up and bio-unavailable? TnT Starter works by protecting the phosphorus with TPA + Carboxylate to reduce its tie-up time (up to 90 days) with calcium/magnesium in high pH soils, and iron/aluminum in low pH soils, improving bioavailability to your crops throughout the growing season. When you use TnT Starter, you improve your soil health, root health, and help your plants cope with early-season environmental stressors, such as frost. Being that it has a low salt index of 8.4 and is a stabilized fertilizer blend, it is a seed-safe option to place directly into the seed furrow and is safe for mixing with biological products, like EcoTea.
$1.96/L (Time of year and volume purchased affect final price per litre, as this is a bulk product)
Starter P
- Is a liquid starter fertilizer (9-32-2) with TPA and Carboxylates in it for in-furrow applications to reduce how fast the phosphorus becomes tied-up and bio-unavailable. It is formulated with 70% Ortho-phosphate (readily available form) and 30% Poly-phosphate (converts slowly as soil warms up), with a low salt index of 11.4, no chloride, and is seed safe to place with the seed.
- Suggested to use when seeding into cold and wet conditions and in soils with high levels of Ca, Fe, or Al. Use Starter P to improve early-season availability and uptake of phosphorus, to reduce phosphorus tie-up by Ca, Fe, or Al, and to supplement a well-balanced soil fertility program.
- Expect to see improved root and shoot development and crop establishment, strong advantage of the crop over the weeds, enhanced tolerance to early season environmental stress, and less signs of phosphorus deficiency on the seedlings (purpling).
Starting at $1.94/L (Time of year and volume purchased affect final price per litre, as this is a bulk product)
- TPA stands for Thermo Poly Aspartate. It is highly polymerized and a negatively charged beta protein that is biodegradable.
- TPA can be used with almost any liquid starter fertilizer to reduce the binding of phosphorus with Ca in alkaline (high pH) soils or Fe and Al in acidic (low pH) soils. By reducing the tie-up, TPA increases nutrient availability.
- Expect TPA to improve root development and growth, increase nutrient availability and uptake visible in tissue tests, increase tuber count in potatoes with an even size, as well as improved marketable yield in potatoes. Applied at 1-2L/ac in-furrow with the liquid fertilizer.
- Nutri-Boost 6-17-5 + Micro pack, is a low salt index liquid fertilizer for in-crop sprays. It contains the Stress Reliever Technology™ (offsets energy re-allocation during stress periods) to be used with, or without, herbicides or after a stressful event such as cold, wet, physical or chemical injury.
- Nutri-Boost boosts the metabolism, provides energy (high phosphorus analysis) and relieves the crop from early-season stress. Use after a hailstorm with Super B (10% Boron) to mitigate tissue damage and restimulate growth and branching, or used to advance crop maturity.
- Expect to see improved root and shoot growth and development, stronger and healthier plants capable of withstanding environmental stresses, faster recovery from stress (from yellowing to greener crop), and helps prevent maturity delays and preserves yield and quality. Apply at 1-2L/ac, depending on crop stage.
uPtaKe IC
- A high analysis source of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium, as well as a different customized micronutrient package for the 3 lines of uPtaKe IC (5-25-5, 13-7-4, and 8-32-5), in a specifically formulated foliar blend.
- Used to supplement well-balanced soil applied fertility when the soil is unable to transfer nutrients due to waterlogging, drought, heat, or high humidity. Used to mitigate or correct crop deficiencies based on tissue tests.
- uPtaKe IC reduces the impact of stress, prevents the appearance of nutrient deficiencies and growth stalling of the crop and improves the nutritional status of the crop during periods of shortage. Apply at 1-4L/ac, depending on crop stage.
- 5-25-5 + Micro Pack @ $6.25/L
- 13-7-4 + Micro Pack @ $5.10/L
- 8-32-5 + Micro Pack @ $6.00/L
Super B/KB78
- Super B (10% Boron) and KB78 (3-0-7 + 8% Boron) are formulated with a highly plant available form of boron designed for foliar uptake, boric acid. The OMEX boron solutions are formulated to reduce Point of Deliquescence and promote nutrient uptake by the plant.
- Recommended on almost all crops grown in high pH soils, whether they be field crops, horticulture, and/or vegetable crops. Increasing boron levels in the plants makes plants less attractive to insects. Boron is critical for cell division, cell wall structure, sugar transport, and is essential for the formation of viable pollen and therefore seed fertilization and development. Applications of boron accelerate the translocation of carbohydrates in the plant to help with grain fill. Boron is immobile in plants, but vital at critical times. It is required in small doses, in the right quantities, at the right time, and is crucial at flowering time, as flower abortion (heat blast) and blanks in canola pods are visible signs of a boron deficiency.
- Expect stronger plants with a better seed set (fewer missing seeds in the pod/head and less abortion), increased branching in some crops, and when used with Nutri-Boost, P3 or C3, it helps with wound healing and allows for a faster recovery from hail damage. KB78 contains potassium (K) and represents an added value when K is deficient, under hot and dry conditions and when crop is switching to reproductive mode.
- Super B @ $6.95/L
- KB78 @ $7.10/L
P3 (Organic Certified Product)
- P3 is a low salt index calcium-based (5% Ca) liquid fertilizer to be used as a foliar spray, tank-mixed with, or without, herbicides on all pulse crops, or on any crop after a hailstorm with Super B (10% boron) to mitigate tissue damage and to re-stimulate growth and branching. It is formulated with the Stress Reliever Technology™ (offsets the energy re-allocation during stress periods). It is an organic certified product that can be used in both conventional and organic operations.
- P3 helps boost the metabolism and relieves the crop from early-season stress and advances crop maturity. It contains calcium which is important for cell division and elongation as well as cell wall strength and development. Calcium is involved in the control of enzyme activity and starch metabolism and is vital during the nodulation process in legumes. Calcium is not very mobile in the soil or plant tissue, therefore a continuous supply is essential to protect crop health, yield, and quality.
- Expect P3 to improve root growth, nodule development, and above ground vegetative growth. It also aids in the reduction of stress from extreme cold, excessive moisture, high temperatures, herbicide injury and hail damage. Apply at 0.25 L/ac.
- C3 is a low salt index fertilizer with a 6-12-6 analysis, formulated with the Stress Reliever Technology™ (offsets energy re-allocation during stress periods), that can be tank-mixed with, or without, herbicides.
- C3 boosts the metabolism, provides energy with a high P analysis, relieves the crop from early-season stress (cold, wet, physical or chemical injury), and can be used to advance crop maturity. It is also used after a hailstorm with Super B (10% Boron) to mitigate tissue damage and re-stimulate growth and branching.
- Expect C3 to improve root and shoot growth and development, stronger plants with an enhanced ability to cope with environmental stresses, quick bounce-back from periods of stress (from yellowing to greener crop), preserves yield potential, and leads to less stalling and advancement of crop maturity which leads to an advantage in yield and quality. Apply at 1 L/ac.
- Fortis (3-0-1) is a low salt index liquid fertilizer with high levels of sulfur (4.5%), copper (2%), manganese (2%) and zinc (1.25%), blended with boron, molybdenum, and nickel. The product is formulated with fully water-soluble ingredients and OMEX’s proprietary technology that enhances uptake and translocation, while minimizing tissue damage.
- Fortis is recommended on all cereal crops at the flag leaf stage. Crop lodging is largely caused by a weak straw strength. Copper and manganese are key micronutrients for the process of lignification, which allows for the thickening of the straw, with boron as an important component for cell wall structure, which ultimately leads to stronger straw.
- Fortis helps to correct copper, manganese, zinc, and boron deficiencies which can improve lignification and straw strength to help prevent/reduce lodging. Fortis improves chlorophyll production and photosynthesis. Given the role of copper for pollen fertility, Fortis contributes to ergot prevention and seed quality. Apply at 0.25-1L/ac.
Lucky 13
- Highly concentrated liquid suspension with an analysis of 13-13-13, with one of the most complete micro-package across the industry. Lucky 13 is made with the highest quality NPK and micronutrients.
- Lucky 13 can be used as a maintenance foliar spray to supplement soil-applied fertility. It can be used to rescue crops suffering from stress conditions i.e., cool/wet sandy soils, saturated heavy soils, shallow roots or at later stages in the season. 2 litres of Lucky 13 equals 5 lbs of an 18-20-20 without the hassle of dissolving solids into water.
- Expect Lucky 13 to correct a variety of macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies, improve the nutritional status of the crop and increase root and shoot development, improve tolerance to stress, and preserve production by 5-15%. Apply at 1-2 L/ac.
Other Products
- StimPro-K™ is CFIA registered plant growth regulator: Reg. #2003001A, Fertilizers Act. StimPro-K™ is recommended on all crops including cereals, pod crops such as canola, soybeans and pulses, oilseeds, forages as well as fruit and vegetables.
- Applied early in the season (3-5 leaf stage) StimPro-K™ increases the rate of cell division, differentiation, and growth. Applied later in the season (during seed and fruit set) StimPro-K™ increases the size of the cells making higher thousand kernel weight (TKW) and bigger size fruit. StimPro-K™ advances the growth and development of the main stem and tillers resulting in a high test weight and more even maturity of the harvested grain.
- This can be tank-mixed with most crop protection products, so an extra pass with the sprayer is not necessary. OMEX’s independent multi-year trials have determined that the rate per acre needed to achieve the best results as a PGR come when StimPro-K™ is applied at the 3-5 leaf stage at 75 mL/ac.
$52.00/L ($3.90/ac)
StimPro JA
- The product contains Jasmonic acid (JA), a naturally-produced growth regulator involved in many plant processes including growth and development and defense responses against pests and pathogens. JA is the signal molecule of the Induced Systemic Resistance that allows plants to trigger their natural immunity against intruders. JA is very effective at triggering defense-response against necrotrophs (i.e., Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Tan Spot, Blackleg, Alternaria, etc.). Timing of application is also crucial for insuring a beneficial effect.
- The product is recommended on all crops including field, horticultural and vegetable crops as well as fruit trees, turf, and ornamentals. JA helps prolong crop tolerance/resistance to biotic stress caused by pathogens and pests. The use of JA alongside mono-site fungicides is a tool to reduce resistance build-up on the farm. When spraying an insecticide, use JA to complement the efficacy of the chemical to help reduce the build-up of resistance (flea beetles in canola).
- This can be applied as a seed dressing or applied in-season onto the crop as a foliar. Expect healthier crops and longer lasting effects of disease control and insect pressure when used together with fungicides or insecticides. Application rate will vary based on timing, crop, and desired results. When mixing with liquid fertilizer, do not exceed 20 mL/ac.
Cytokelp (Organic Certified Product)
- Cytokelp is an organic certified product that is a CFIA registered plant growth regulator (Fert. Act # 2015147A). Cytokelp also contains Kelp and Yucca extracts that are well documented to be involved in reducing stress under a variety of conditions and stimulating growth.
- Cytokelp contains naturally occurring plant bio-stimulants (kinetin) that encourage seedling and plant growth and may increase the number and size of flowers/fruit, plant weight, root weight, crop quality and yield while reducing the effects of environmental stress. It also delays senescence in plant tissues, increases flower set, fruit formation and side branching. Kinetin applied at the right timing can lead to an enhancement of growth and development, seed and fruit set and ultimately yield. It can be applied in-furrow, by drip-irrigation or drenching or as in-season foliar at the 3-5 leaf stage and early bloom.
- Expect stimulation of crop growth and development especially under stress situations, increase of plant biomass (number and size of flowers/fruit, yield, and quality), and a reduction in heat blasted/aborted flowers in peas, canola, etc. For broadacre crops, apply as a foliar at 150-162 mL/ac.
$39.45/L ($5.92/ac)
- Thio-S56 (5-0-0-6) is a liquid sulfur product designed for in-furrow and foliar applications. The Thio form of sulfur is a readily available and a fast-acting source of sulfur, in combination with an excellent source of ammoniacal nitrogen that is also quickly absorbed by the plant. Thio-S56 is a low salt index fertilizer with a neutral pH, which means that it is seed and plant safe, and is compatible with most commonly used liquid fertilizers and pesticides.
- Thio-S56 is suggested for use to prevent, or correct, the development of a sulfur deficiency. It is also suggested to use in-furrow when seeding into coarse-textured or highly alkaline soils, or applied as a foliar throughout the season when farming soils with high levels of Ca or Mg. Sulfur is essential for the formation of protein and can be used to increase protein levels where sulfur is deficient.
- Expect to see a correction of sulfur deficiency, balancing of the N:S ratio, and higher sulfur content in soil tests when applied in-furrow. Apply at 2-8 L/ac in-furrow (depending on sulfur ppm values on soil test), or 0.5-2 L/ac as a foliar, as required.
Molybdenum (47% Mo)
- Molybdenum is an essential element and is needed in all stages of plant growth. It is essential for the process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobia bacteria in legumes and is needed by all plants in the synthesis and activation of nitrate reductase enzyme which converts nitrate to ammonium within the plant, which ultimately makes the conversion into amino acids and protein more efficient. Further to that, it improves the efficiency/utilization of phosphorus as well. Therefore, it is recommended on all crops.
- Molybdenum should be used on soils below a pH of 5.5, soils low in phosphorus, soils with a continuous supply of sulphates or ammonium nitrogen, or on sandy soils. It is also recommended to add molybdenum to any liquid application of nitrogen (in-furrow, foliar, fertigation, etc.) to further improve the efficiency of the nitrogen application.
- Expect to see an improvement in growth and development especially under stress conditions or when the crop is lacking nitrogen, better utilization of nitrogen and phosphorus, and further preservation of yield and quality. Apply at 10-40 g/ac, dissolved into the liquid fertilizer.
$72.80/kg ($0.73-$2.91/ac)
Sunalta Boron (Organic Certified Product)
- Sunalta Boron (4-0-0 + 10 Boron) is an organic certified concentrated solution of boron in a borate form, designed and suited for soil applications. Borate is the most appropriate and stable form of boron to apply to the soil, compared to boric acid which is highly leachable. The manufacturing process has made it compatible with a wide range of liquid fertilizers and different chemistries used at burn off.
- Sunalta Boron is used to correct boron deficiencies in crops found mainly in soils with low organic matter, sandy soils, in soils with a very high pH (>8.0) or soils with a very low pH (<5.0). It can be tank-mixed with glyphosate during pre-burn applications, mixed with other soil-applied liquid fertilizer applications or with most humate products. A jar test is always recommended when not using other OMEX branded products in the tank-mix. Sunalta Boron has a fast acting and long-lasting effect when applied to the soil as the slow release formulation becomes available when needed most, ex. At the bolting stage on mustard and canola.
- Expect to see a stronger and healthier plant with more branching due to improved cell wall structure by enhancing the uptake of calcium, and the correction of a boron deficiency. This can be applied in-furrow at seeding, through the sprayer, or fertigation equipment. Sunalta Boron is NOT designed to be used as a foliar that can be absorbed by leaf foliage. Apply at 2-4L/ac, depending on the soil test.
$1.85/L (Time of year and volume purchased affect final price per litre, as this is a bulk product)
OrganoHume (Organic Certified Product)
- OrganoHume (0-0-12 + 12% humic) is an organic certified liquid formulation of extracted humate from leonardite ore. It is generally combined with existing soil applied liquid or granular starter fertilizer formulations to improve phosphorus and other mineral chelation/complexation and/or uptake, improve soil CEC and “open up” tight soils, and improve the overall health of the plant.
- It is suggested to use OrganoHume to help increase the overall fertility of the soil, improve water retention/infiltration within the soil, increase and enhance soil microbial activity, and when used as a foliar, can benefit the uptake and utilization of the nutrients in the solution more effectively.
- Expect to see increased plant growth and root development, increases in microbial activity, enhanced drought resistance, and improved nutrient efficiency due to its natural chelating properties. Rates will vary depending on method of application and needs based on specific soil properties. Apply between 2-40 L/ac.
$1.87/L (Time of year and volume purchased affect final price per litre, as this is a bulk product)
- SW7/8 (0-8-0 + 62% Si) is a silicon-based wetting and spreading agent designed to give enhanced uptake of foliar nutrients. Silicon displaces water in plant tissue as desiccation occurs in leaf tissue thereby increasing the plants strength in dry conditions. Silicon has a structural role but secondarily plays a role in preventing the development of certain diseases and deterring pests such as aphids, red spider mite, thrips and whitefly. It is widely recognized as a beneficial element to many crops. It is transported in the xylem and deposited in the epidermal cells. It complexes with calcium in the cell walls and acts as a physical strengthener and also to alleviate abiotic and biotic stress.
- SW7/8 is tank-mix compatible with a wide range of fertilizers and pesticides. It also improves the absorption and drying time of the solution.
- Expect to see enhanced growth and development with and upright stature and resistance to lodging, and high tolerance to excess sunlight in the exposed area, which aids in the protection against temperature extremes and excess UV light. One can also expect to see better tolerance to drought, salinity and toxicity from undesirable metals, as well as increased resistance to plant diseases and pests. Apply at 20-30 mL/ac.
$68.50/L ($1.37-$2.06/ac)
Need Financing Help?
Fabian Seed Farms is happy to offer financing options through Scotiabank's Yield More Financing™ program. The Yield More Financing™ program provides a fast, flexible and convenient line of credit for use at Fabian Seed Farms, so you can stock up for the growing season without worrying about the upfront cost. We're more than happy to help you sign up and get you set up for your growing season. Contact us today to get started.