Pedigreed Seed

Fabian Seed believes in helping farmers maximize their profits with our seed. We strive to hybridize the best techniques from conventional and organic practices to create a holistic approach that is embedded in sustainability. Read more about Fabian Seed Farms and our seed growing philosophy here.

Hard Red Spring Wheat
AAC Wheatland VB
AAC Wheatland VB is a very high yielding semidwarf CWRS with excellent lodging tolerance and intermediate resistance to FHB. AAC Wheatland VB is also tolerant to the orange wheat blossom midge. AAC Wheatland VB is well-adapted to the wheat growing regions across the western Canadian Prairies. Certified seed of AAC Wheatland VB will be sold.
CDC Austenson is a widely adapted two-row feed barley with incredible yield potential. It’s the top choice for our clients who want barley as an all-in-one package, whether for grain, silage, or swath grazing. It is rated at 116% of AC Metcalfe. Feedlots everywhere are becoming more concerned about high test weight and percentage of plump kernels. CDC Austenson can provide that in the grain sample, whether it be irrigation or dryland. Under intensive management, yields of over 150 bu per acre on irrigation are not uncommon. Lodging resistance is above average on this variety and can be enhanced with proper nutrition, placement, type, and timing.
Esma is an exciting new 2-row barley with exceptionally short strong straw and high grain yield potential. Esma is ideally suited to high moisture and high fertility growing conditions of Western Canada. Esma was registered in Ontario as a malt variety but in Western Canada it fits best as a feed barley as it’s malt profile does not match our normal western malt varieties.

Triticale – Spring
AAC Delight
AAC Delight is a variety developed here in Alberta by Dr. Harpinder Randhawa at Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Lethbridge. It is a “reduced awn expression” that is official terminology to indicate that it does not have regular awns, like most triticale varieties. This is a huge point for our livestock clients looking for feedstock that does not cause lump jaw in cattle.
Another key feature of AAC Delight is its yield potential. Under dryland with moderate fertility or irrigation under intensive management, AAC Delight delivers. It is a versatile variety and is commonly used in green feed, silage and swath-grazing configurations. Of all cereals, triticale offers the highest protein content, which is another reason producers like AAC Delight. Out of all tested varieties, AAC Delight has the lowest ergot incidence, which gives producers satisfaction for producing high-quality feedstock. Its lodging resistance is excellent, so it works well in intensively managed cropping operations. Are you looking for more tonnes per acre? Then this is the variety for you.
Triticale Fall/Winter
Bobcat Triticale is a variety favoured among cover crop enthusiasts. It is a versatile crop that can be planted in spring or fall, depending on your expectations. Fall seeded is an excellent choice for quick emerging green cover to keep bare ground like potato land from blowing. It has shown it can still perform at temperatures well below -6°C and stay green and active for soil biology to proliferate
Another use for Bobcat is a green grazing crop followed after barley silage in July/August. Planted with a few other species (i.e. Tillage Radish), it can provide extended late-season grazing while giving the biology a beneficial boost in the soil by keeping living plants growing after the silage crop is taken off. If appropriately managed, Bobcat will be one of the first plants to break dormancy and start growing in the field next spring, giving more options for producers to consider for maximum profitability on their operation.
When Bobcat is planted in the spring, it will remain a vegetative crop and produce copious amounts of green leafy material. Bobcat is a fantastic grazing mix for carrying livestock with dense foliage and nutrition, when combined with other species.
We can assist you with putting together a cover crop/grazing mix custom-tailored to your farm. Give us a call for more information on our seed.

CDC Saffron
CDC Saffron, a yellow cotyledon field pea cultivar, was released in 2011 by the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan. According to the Alberta Seed Guide, Spring 2021 Edition, CDC Saffron has the highest rating for standability. CDC Saffron is adapted to the field-pea-growing regions of western Canada both on irrigation and dryland operations.
This variety can produce over 90 bushels per acre with optimal nutrition and amendments. CDC Saffron is versatile in that the variety can be used not only for feed, but also in cover crop production. It is an excellent choice for peaola production when used in conjunction with a compatible canola variety such as UA AlfaGold. CDC Saffron is also an excellent variety to use with other intercropping regimes, such as pea/barley or pea/triticale combinations.
Production Tip
When planting the variety, ensure they are inoculated with the proper rhizobia inoculant for nitrogen fixation (Rhizobium leguminosarum). When used in conjunction with EcoTea™, reduce rhizobium innoculation rates by 50%. Inoculation leads to atmospheric nitrogen being added into the farm system and reduces nitrogen supply requirements for several years. It is also suggested to include the micronutrient molybdenum and cobalt in your fertility plans as these micro’s are co-factors for nitrogen fixation) Contact us if you need any additional information.
CDC Impulse
CDC Impulse is a high yielding Clearfield® small red lentil that is well-adapted to the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones. In nine years of testing in co-op and regional trials in Saskatchewan, CDC Impulse yielded 108% of CDC Maxim in the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones and 95% in the Black and Dark Grey soil zones. Maturity is slightly later than CDC Maxim, which is beneficial for the southern regions of the lentil production zone.
Compared to the average, these lentils are larger in diameter and have a higher seed weight, which is acceptable for niche segments of the dehulled red lentil market. CDC Impulse works well in dryland situations and grows well on irrigated land that is properly managed for disease mitigation, whether it be synthetic or biological disease control.
Production Tip
When planting the variety, ensure they are inoculated with the proper rhizobia inoculant for nitrogen fixation (Rhizobium leguminosarum). When used in conjunction with EcoTea, reduce rhizobium innoculation rates by 50%. Inoculation leads to atmospheric nitrogen being added into the farm system and reduces nitrogen supply requirements for several years. Tt is also suggested to include the micronutrient molybdenum and cobalt in your fertility plans as these micro’s are co-factors for nitrogen fixation) Contact us if you need any additional information.
Contact us at Fabian Seed Farms if you need any additional information. Our qualified team is more than happy to help.

CDC Glas
CDC Glas is well-suited to irrigation production. Extremely strong straw resists lodging, even when approaching the 60 bu per acre mark. It is consistently a top yielder in all Western Canadian Co-op Trials. “Reconstituted” means it has been certified as grown in a GMO flax (Triffid)–free environment, so it has market eligibility to the European Union. Taller straw means decent height for production, even in dryland moisture restricted years.
Production Tip
It is now possible to grow flax and chop the straw back into your soil, rather than spending a pile of money to bale, stack and truck the straw, often at a financial loss. Consider using EcoTea® Residue Digester and keep your straw, nutrients and organic matter on your land. Ask us for more information about how EcoTea® can help.
Corn And Soybeans

Greenfield Genetics is part of a family owned seed company, proudly providing leading-edge genetics to farmers. Their Research and Product Development Department access genetics and traits from all around the world, combining only the best genetics that perform well on your farm. Numerous hybrids are tested every year across varying climate zones, and this ensures your success. Every research plot is tested for yield and whole plant digestibility, rated against competitor checks, resulting in accurate comparisons for each hybrid.
They offer Liberty Link tolerant varieties, alongside their Glyphosate tolerant and conventional platforms, to suit a multitude of chemistry options for your weed control.

Thunder Seed develops high-yielding soybean, grain corn, silage corn and grazing corn, for growers in Western Canadian provinces. Thunder Seed sets ambitious goals for themselves: to be first in leading-edge agronomy, first in seed development and always first in customer service. And the seeds are just the start; their service seals the deal for long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.
They support the dealers and growers throughout the ongoing cycle of preparing, planting, growing and harvest in ways you would expect from a neighbor. So when it comes to your seed and meeting your needs – before, during or after the growing season – Thunder Seed will be there.

Prograin is the largest private value-added soybean company in Canada. Their outstanding expertise and advanced technologies have made them a world leader in the development, conditioning and marketing of superior quality soybeans.
What sets them apart is their varieties of early maturing soybeans, which are adapted to the climatic conditions of short season growing areas (groups 000 to 1). With more than 100 varieties developed and continually improved at their state-of-the-art research centre in Saint-Césaire, QC, they are positioning themselves as a key player in Canada and abroad, with the ultimate goal of offering the best varieties and the best seed quality to customers.

Alfalfa Seed
Through Imperial Seed, we offer several different varieties and alfalfa blends to suit your particular needs, all pre-inoculated.

Grass Seed
Whether you are looking to incorporate grasses into your grazing rotation or reinvigorate over-grazed soils, we can help.

Cover Crops
We work with Imperial Seed to suit any situation, with custom blending options with as many or as few species as you’d like, to fit your exact needs.

The cover crop specialists for Western Canada, with more than 60 years of experience in the industry. Imperial Seed is committed to keeping the growers’ interests first and foremost, while maintaining contract quality. We have been partnered with Imperial Seed for almost a decade and we have learnt that the team has a wealth of knowledge and experience to make realistic and honest recommendations for what will suit your growing area. Further to that, they can customize any blend to your liking so that you are getting exactly what you want, specific to your needs.
Imperial Seed is also a strategic partner with Cover Crops Canada and together are the industry leaders in cover crops and regenerative cropping options.

Need Financing Help?
Fabian Seed Farms is happy to offer financing options through Scotiabank's Yield More Financing™ program. The Yield More Financing™ program provides a fast, flexible and convenient line of credit for use at Fabian Seed Farms, so you can stock up for the growing season without worrying about the upfront cost. We're more than happy to help you sign up and get you set up for your growing season. Contact us today to get started.